Creamy Gnocchi Sausage Skillet

Creamy Gnocchi Sausage Skillet

If you are stuck as to what to make for dinner tonight, may a suggest this creamy gnocchi sausage skillet?!  This one-pot meal has become a family favorite during these quarantine days.   It takes about 30 minutes from start to finish so it is perfect for me as a mom of a newborn.   You could easily skip the sausage if you are looking for a vegetarian option.   Loaded with fresh tomatoes and spinach, all you need is a thick slice of crusty bread to complete the meal.

I pretty much pin any recipe that has gnocchi in the title.  What is it about those pillowy soft mouthfuls that keep us coming back for more?!  Gnocchi is comfort food that always makes me smile and is a bit more filling than most kinds of pasta.  One day I am going to make a homemade batch.  I can only imagine how much better it would be!   I love that instead of cooking Gnocchi in a separate pot you can cook it quickly in a pan with sauces.  This makes clean up so much easier.

I hope you all are surviving these quarantine days.  Our state is slowly opening up parks, beaches, and marinas for everyone to at least enjoy the outdoors.  Yesterday we spent 3 hours at the park and it was heavenly!  Soaking up sunshine always does the soul good.  I have to say that in spite of all the headache the pandemic has brought to our country, the one thing that makes me smile is seeing all the families in our neighbor out on their evening walks, kids reading in the yard, fishing in the pond and creating chalk masterpieces in their driveways.  If this time has taught us anything, I hope it has taught us to reconnect with the ones we love and reminds us that slowing down is not always a bad thing.  It will be interesting to see how life changes once the restrictions are lifted.

I hope you all have a great weekend!  Thanks for stopping by!

Creamy Gnocchi Sausage Skillet

Creamy Gnocchi Sausage Skillet

<img class="size-large wp-image-5962 aligncenter" src="" alt="Creamy Gnocchi Sausage Skillet" /> <img class="size-large wp-image-5963 aligncenter" src="" alt="Creamy Gnocchi Sausage Skillet" />
